November 25, 2010

What do they exactly deny??

I am sure that most people who are interested in Internet Security have heared about the prefix hijacking event that has appeared on April, 8th 2010. Triggered by a U.S. government report published at the beginning of last week, the event gained high attention in media this month. In brief: China Telecom hijacked a huge number of address prefixes for around 18 minutes. 

Plausible Denial

On wednesday last week, reuters reported that "The spokesman of China Telecom Corporation Limited denied any hijack of internet traffic". An interesting questions is what does this exactly mean? Data publicly available in the Internet and gathered from different independent ASs unambiguously show that a high number of public prefixes was hijacked by China Telecom. Of course, traffic directed to these prefixes was hijacked.


As it seems unlikely that China Telecom denies facts everyone could verify in principle, I belive the interpretation I found on seems to be most plausile: They reported that "China Telecom did not deny the incident occurred, but did deny that it intentionally 'hijacked' U.S. citizens' traffic." As described in my last post, this makes pefectly sense.

Prefixes and Traffic

Another aspect I want to mention here concerns the statement you find on several blogs and media that around 11/15/etc. percent of the Internet traffic was hijacked. From the techincal perspective this is not quite correct. Even if the order of magnitude matches the proportion of global prefixes that was hijacked, this does not mean that the same proportion of the global traffic was hijacked: Generally, the amount of traffic forwarded to different address spaces differs significantly. Details on that may be found in the Arbor Networks blog.


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